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Engagement | Sarah & Brian | Mt. Agamenticus, Maine

Engagement Portraits Mount Agamenticus Maine with dog

2020 has given us a lot to talk about, and a lot to miss. This spring has made me realize how much I really love working with my couples. I have missed capturing your precious memories and seeing all of you face to face so much! Not only was I thrilled to get back behind the camera and get to know Sarah and Brian, but they also chose to bring their dog, Chloe - which is always guaranteed to bring a smile to this photographers face.

I am not alone with being swept off my feet with by four legged friends. Their sweet dog Chloe played a major role in their proposal by "leaving notes" around their house for Sarah to find and lead her to Brian on one knee.

We had so much fun catching up with Sarah and Brian on Mt. Agamenticus and we are looking forward to their wedding next June!

Engagement Portraits Mount Agamenticus Maine
Engagement Portraits Mount Agamenticus Maine with dog
Engagement Portraits Mount Agamenticus Maine


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